Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Shannon's Review - The Bojeffries Saga by Alan Moore

Title: The Bojeffries Saga #1
Series: Bojeffries Saga
Author: Alan Moore
Illustrator/Book Cover Design: Steve Parkhouse
Genre: Fiction, Graphic Novel, Fantasy,
Publisher: Top Shelf Productions
Received: bought
Release Date: 2013
Pages: 96

Author Alan Moore’s Official Websites:

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Shannon’s Thoughts:

The Bojeffries are a unique family with supernatural characters and British humor.

Each person in the family is a little strange. I have seen some reviews comparing them to the Addams Family but in my opinion, they lack the Addams charm. The missing charm and the way the stories change abruptly confused me a bit.

I wish I had more to say about this graphic novel but it has taken me months to just write this. I do not hate the stories but I don’t love them either. I wish there was more explanation about the family and each their differences.

I am beginning to think Alan Moore is not my cup of tea after this and The Lost Girls vol.1. They just were not that enjoyable.

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