Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Shannon's Review - Sigil: Out Of Time by Mike Carey

Title: Sigil: Out Of Time
Series: Sigil
Author: Mike Carey
Illustrator/Book Cover Design: (pencilers) Leonard Kirk, Pat Olliffe (inkers) Ed Tadeo, Pat Davidson (colorist) Guru Efx (letterer) Rob Steen (cover art) Jelena Djurdjevic
Genre: Graphic Novel, Fiction, Fantasy, Marvel, CrossGen
Publisher: Marvel
Received: Bought
Release Date: 2011
Pages: 96

Author’s Official Websites:



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Shannon’s Thoughts:

Sam is dealing with the loss of her mother and failing high school. She probably does not need the problems that come next which including time jumps, pirate ships, and magic powers from a birthmark.

This a reboot of a sort. This comic story first belonged to CrossGen which was a comic publishing company that created various stories for different worlds with the goal of connecting their stories in the end. Later CrossGen was bought by Disney which had Marvel. Marvel tried to rewrite (just a little) and restart the comics hoping for interest. I had the pleasure of having read the original comics from CrossGen. I loved every series that came from them, including Sigil. This Sigil story is just a little different but it has been so long I am not sure how different. I enjoyed this again very “girl power” and reminds me of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

I wished I had saved the original comics now that Marvel has rights. Out of all the stories from CrossGen to start out with I am not sure Sigil was the strongest. There was Soujorn and Magick…I believe those were the names. Even though this comic is from 2011 I still hold hope I will see more of the story again.

I enjoy graphic novels and enjoy most of Mike Carey’s stuff. Sigil is action-packed and charged with exciting magic.

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