Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Shannon's Review - Children Of Dune by Frank Herbert

Title: Children Of Dune
Series: Dune Chronicles #3
Author: Frank Herbert
Illustrator/Book Cover Design: Vincent DiFate
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Classic
Publisher: J.P. Putnam’s Sons
Received: Bought
Release Date: January 1976
Pages: 444

Author Frank Herbert’s Official Websites:

(taken from goodreads.com.)






Shannon’s Thoughts:

In this third installment of the chronicles, we jump 9 years after Dune Messiah. Paul and Chani Atreides twins, Leto and Ghanima, are infused with knowledge of the past and future because of the actions of their parents. There Aunt Alia is temporary on the throne until the twins come of age, but Alia’s mental stability is declining. She leading towards darkness. The twins follow their fate and Leto becomes something unthinkable and wondrous.

I am a fan of family sagas and so far the Dune Chronicles are fast becoming one of my favorites. Normally the fact the book being science fiction would get 1 thumb down but this series has been different. With the sci-fi twists, I never would have guessed what would happen. It helps that I keep picturing the actors that will be in the new movie. Hard not to like Duncan Idaho character when he’s being played by Jason Momoa in your head. Compared to the first and second books I found this one moved quicker. I felt there is more action

The political side of the stories I do not completely follow. Sometimes it is a little over my head. Herbert does not get into too much detail when he describes things. He is not Stephen King, meaning he does not over-describe situations. Sometimes I wish he would add a little more when it comes to people talking and a little more straightforward with their thoughts.

I am very curious as to what is to come in the next couple of books. I plan to read them all...even the newer ones I think.

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