Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Salon - Reading Olympics





         2012 Reading Challenge


       Shannon has
            read 26 books toward her goal of 100 books.





       26 of 100 (26%)


         view books


Many of you know what this is above if you are on Goodreads.  This is Goodreads challenge widget.  You decide how many books you read for the year and this keeps track.  So far I am 31 books behind my schedule.  I didn’t make last years by almost 20 but I going to keep trying.   I don’t really win anything in the end just the satisfaction of finish each book.  You know that feeling right especially one that was good.  You feel good about it but you wish it was over or it had a sequel.

So I am curious after I finish a book I usually feel a little like I accomplished something.  Is that what you feel when you finish a book good or bad?

What is your reading goal for this year? Are you behind or on target?


dollycas aka Lori said...

My goal it to match last year's 197 and I finished #130 last night so I have a great start!

New follower!!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I didn't set a numbers goal, but I do track the numbers and I'm ahead of last year already.

I have one DNF for the far. That doesn't happen too often.


Aarti said...

I use the GoodReads challenge, too! My goal is to read 90 books this year, and I'm tracking well with that - I usually cheat and set my goal pretty low at the start and then increase it only if it seems like I am ahead of schedule.

I definitely feel accomplished when I finish a book, too! I can't even tell you how accomplished I'll feel when I finally finish A Suitable Boy!

Melissa Wiebe said...

I am aiming for 50 books this year and am almost there with about 41 books read.