Monday, July 4, 2011

The Answer by Allison Wynn

The Answer: "A Journey From Anger to Peace"


Title: The Answer
Series: N/A
Author: Allison Wynn
Genre: Inspirational Fiction
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Received: From Author for Review
Release Date: February 2011   

What is it About?
A man having a hard time in his life finds a journal that changes his whole outlook on living life.

My Thoughts:

A husband reads a journal found on a table that changes his view on how he has been living his life .  The woman who wrote the journal and him decide to share the journal entry with others.  They try to help people make peace within themselves.

Very moving and thought out story that takes place back and forth between the journal owner the husband and his wife.  They are all trying to find peace and love in there life without or with less anger.   Realizing how angry they have been with themselves and each other is the first step into changing there lives.

I agree with other who said it is hard to express this book correctly.   There are just some eye opening ideas these people have come across and just bringing them to each other attention is something I am in awe of.   

I do believe that this is one of those books you do just want to share with everyone and get there opinion to just have a open discussion.  It is a short read and does not take much time to read but one that you can read over and find new insights again and again.  




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