Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekly Geek - Book Covers

Judge a Book By Its Cover!

This week it's all about judging books by their covers! Pick a book--any book, really--and search out multiple book cover images for that book. They could span a decade or two (or more)...Or they could span several countries. Which cover is your favorite? Which one is your least favorite? Which one best 'captures' what the book is about?

Here are covers I liked. I picked book only about Faeries

1)Faerie Tale by Raymond Feist

2) Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan

3) The Faerie Path by Frewin Jones

4) Faerie Lord by Herbie Brennan

5) The Faerie Queen by Edmund Spencer

These are the covers I didn't like of the same books listed above. That first one is really creepy.


.Books by TJ Baff said...

did you read Faerie Tale?????
One of my favourite books.

claire said...

The third cover, The Faerie Path, is really beautiful..

marineko said...

Interesting book choices! For February I came up with a "fairy promotion" at the store I work in, where around 40 fiction about the fairy folk are on discount - all of the books you chose are part of it :D

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Oh, I just posted my review for Bones of Faerie. It's a YA one, but it's really good if you haven't checked it out yet. :)


gautami tripathy said...

I loved the third one!
