Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Review - Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark

Summary: Finn Whitman get a job at the Disney World Park as a DHI (Disney Interactive Host). The park uses his, and a group of five teens, image under the DHI technology. DHI is basically another word for hologram. Finn and the others get more then they expected with there job because as they sleep they realize their bodies are still connected to the DHI program. At night they appear at the park to perform a second job...fight the, thought imaginary, villians of Disney.

My Thoughts: This book is especially good to read if you are about to make a trip to a Disney park. I read it before my second trip Disney, so I knew the area of most of the attractions that are spoken of which makes that much more fun as well. Now this book is not really one of those deep thinkers. It is purely action and adventure. It is simply written and this the first book in the series. The second book Kingdom Keepers II: Disney at Dawn just recently came out. Finn and friends are enjoyable to read about because in a way they are just there enjoying the rides along with you, even though they may be in danger. I highly recommend this book for both boys and girls.

About the Author: Ridley Pearson is the author of many children and adult novels. He has also worked on tv documentaries. Ridley, his wife and their two daughters live in St. Louis, MO. To find out more you can visit

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