Monday, August 11, 2008

The Week Ahead

This an idea taken from Dawn at She is too fond of books.
If your interested this is my schedule this week...well only the parts with book or bookstores in the subject.

8/11/08 - Today finish reading Webs of Power by Darlene Quinn and write a review for Wednesday.

8/12/08 - Read at least 100 pages of The Host. I want to finish it before Sunday which when I will review it. Also post It's Tuesday Where Are You?

8/13/08 -. Purchase Land of A Hundred Wonders by Lesley Kagen. Come home finish The Host by Stephenie Meyer (yay finally! That book is huge.) Post my review of Webs of Power.

8/14/08 Start reading Land of A Hundred Wonders, read at least 100 pages. (See I have this plan that first I will read a book I'd like to read, then read an ARC, then read one recommended from Refer A Book Friday and then would start all over again. It's a plan) Post the answer to the Booking Thru Thursday question and visit other blogs. Possibly go out with friends and hang out at bookstore playing a card game called 3 dragon ante.

8/15/08 - Post for the Refer A Book Friday Contest(link in the side bar to see what that is). Read at least another 100 pages into Land of Hundred Wonders

8/16/08 - Post the Winner for the Refer A Book Friday Contest. Finish up Land of Hundred Wonder if I haven't already. Then Move on to New Moon by Stephenie Meyer.

8/17/08 - Post review of The Host. Wander aimlessly around book blogs and possibly read but I think I will need a day off.


Anonymous said...

I am so impressed you can make a schedule and stick with it. I can'! I do good to summarize for The Sunday Salon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for playing, Shannon! I like how you cycle thru an ARC, a "free choice", an ARC, etc.

I weave my book group selections and other "free choice" books in between ARCs, but I'm not wholly methodical. I often work on a deadline (reading a book a week before it will be discussed) so it will be fresh in my mind.