Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Shannon's Review - Gustav Gloom And The People Taker by Adam-Troy Castro

Title: Gustav Gloom And The People Taker
Series: Gustav Gloom #1
Author: Adam-Troy Castro
Illustrator/Book Cover Design: Kristen Margiotta
Genre: Fiction, Juvenile, Fantasy, Paranormal
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
Received: Bought
Release Date: August 2012
Pages: 232

Author Adam-Troy Castro’s Official Websites:

(borrowed from Goodreads.com)





None found

Shannon’s Thoughts:

Gustav Gloom is a strange and unusual boy. He lives at the darkest and creepiest house on the block. No one knows much about him or his house until the What family moves in across the street. Fernie What follows her cat onto the grounds of Gustav Gloom’s house and gets trapped in the house by the dark creatures and weird rooms that inhabit the Gloom household.

The cover and inside art is very eye-catching and are what intrigued me.

There are so many usual and imaginative characters and the rules that they seem to follow. I found an issue with those rules because Gustav would first tell the rules of a creature or room and then those rules always seem to get broken. It just did not make sense as to why there were rules in the first place.

My inner child was attracted to this series because of the art and theme. The actual story missed the mark for me. I don’t know if I will continue with the series.

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