Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Salon - The Family Recommends

I just attended a family picnic this weekend and my cousin was telling me about what she is reading. Some of them sounded interesting. Most of them I knew about the author or the type of book it was. One in particular she liked was The Discovery Of Witches. This one that definitely want read. It sounds so good.

Sometimes I will read recommended by my husband and he will read what I recommend.

I love talking about books and it always makes me happy to hear family is enjoying reading.

Does anyone else get recommended books by family members ? Do you read the books they recommend? Do you recommend books to them?


Melissa Wiebe said...

It really depends. I sometimes do recommend books to family members, but I find that its like recommending to friends or anybody else you know; it just kinda depends on the person.

Jinjer-The Intrepid Angeleno said...

I try to read ones my Mom recommends but our tastes are so different that it's not often I can get into them.