Title: Something Borrowed
Series:: NA
Emily GiffinGenre:: FictionPublisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Release Date: April 1st 2005
Finished: June 2009
Pages: 323
Challenges: None

My Thoughts: I got this book through GoodReads' giveaways. Emily Giffin's covers have always attracted me because they look so simple but elegant.
The book is about Rachel, who just turned 30, is not married and is a
good friend to Darcy ... until her drunken birthday party where she sleeps with Darcy's soon-to-be husband. Rachel feels horrible and so does Dexter( the Fiance). They vow to never do it again, but soon realize they feel something toward one and other.
Most of the book is Rachel either talking to herself or to others about Darcy. Her friends think has some comeuppance and deserves what Rachel did/ is doing. It was the kind of book I wanted to talk back to and say, "yeah she may have deserved it, but it's still wrong to do." So sometimes the book was a little frustrating, but something kept me hooked to find out what was going to happen.
There is a sequel to this book that is all about Darcy called
Something Blue. I may read that to someday.
About the Author: . You can visit her at http://www.emilygiffin.com/index.html
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