Friday, July 10, 2009

Refer A Book Weekend 7/10/09

Rules of Refer A Book Weekend: To play all you have to do is recommend a book that you liked and post in the comments. Tell me why you liked the book or link to your review. I will pick a recommendation, then add it to my TBR pile and the person who recommended the book will get to win a book from this Pile of Free Books that I reviewed.I usually post the Refer A Book Weekend post at 12pm EST after I am done work. Each week I will post a new post for you to comment in. The winner will not be picked until Monday so you have the weekend to recommend.

Hint : Sorry I am posting this late I have been at doctors all day. I have two bum legs and it hard to walk and get around. So I was hoping someone out there could recommend me a book to cheer me up as I will have lots of time reading.


Harvee44 said...

If you like thrillers in a rustic setting, no blood or gore, try Killer Summer, which I just reviewed. It's on the front page of At least you might enjoy the summary and comments. Sorry about your feet. Good excuse to read.

Kelly said...

The Sweet Potato Queens' First Big-Ass Novel: Stuff We Didn't Actually Do, But Could Have, And May Yet, by Jill Connor and I can't remember the other author...just the title alone will make you laugh!

I think they've written a couple more, but I haven't read them.

Also, any of Strohmeyer's Bubbles books, Bubbles in Trouble, Bubbles Abroad, etc., never fail to make me snicker.

Hope you get better really soon!

Liyana said...

Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev. It's one of the most delightful books I've ever read. Here's my review:

Ignore the gushiness, but it truly is an amazingly light hearted book. :D

Quacky the Ballads Duck said...

No need to really enter me. Just wanted to suggest a book that isn't out yet...reading it now, so great.

Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert.

Pre-order it now and you could win big. Check the blog.

-Quacky the Ballads Duck

Llehn said...

I would like to recommend The Actor and The Housewife by Shannon Hale because it is such a lovely fantasy and will make you forget about your own life for a while. Here's the blurb:

Mormon housewife Becky Jack is seven months pregnant with her fourth child when she meets celebrity hearththrob Felix Callahan. Twelve hours, one elevator ride, and one alcohol-free dinner later, something has happened…though nothing has happened. It isn’t sexual. It isn’t even quite love. But a month later Felix shows up in Salt Lake City to visit and before they know what’s hit them, Felix and Becky are best friends. Really. Becky’s husband is pretty cool about it. Her children roll their eyes. Her neighbors gossip endlessly. But Felix and Becky have something special…something unusual, something completely impossible to sustain. Or is it? A magical story, The Actor and the Housewife explores what could happen when your not-so-secret celebrity crush walks right into real life and changes everything.

To read more go to :

Dawn M. said...

Have you tried any of the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich? She's a fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants bounty hunter and gets herself into all kinds of outrageous trouble & messes. You can't help but laugh and be grateful that it's her crazy life and not yours. She always has me rolling on the floor laughing. *grin* The first book is One For The Money.

Hope your legs are better soon! :0)