Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Review - A Decent Ransom by Ivana Hruba

Title: A Decent Ransom
Series:: None
Author(s):: Ivana Hruba
Genre:: General Fiction
Summary: A kidnapping gone right. A kidnapped woman takes solace in one of the young men who kidnapped her.
Finished: 03/3/09
Pages: 272
Challenges: none

My Thoughts: At the begining of this book, I was captivated by the story. It is written differently then anything I have read before. Each chapter, you don't know which character you're reading about until the end. Sometimes it is the same character as the one you just read, sometimes a different character. It's one of those stories where you can't see the ending going well. And, well, it ended better than I thought, but I generally didn't enjoy the ending. I just think the message the end sent seemed like it was for a different book. The story is interesting and keeps you guessing, I just couldn't fully reconcile the ending with the rest of it.
About the Author: Ivana Hruba grew up in the Czech Republic and now lives in Australia. This is her first published novel. You can visit her at http://www.ivanahruba.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon,

I know you write great reviews. Now, you have a wonderful challenge. I have books on hold at the library. One is titled "Alosha." I must have put five on hold including "The Fairy Godmother" by Mercedes Lackey. Can't wait to look at all the wonderful books on your so cute faerie blog.