Saturday, October 18, 2008

Shannon's Review - Silvermist and the Ladybug Curse by Gail Herman

Summary: Silvermist finds the bad luck white lady bug. Every fairy thinks she is cursed. She tried her best to prove she is not but even she has her doubts.

My Thoughts: The water talent fairy Silvermist thinks she is cursed by the white lady bug she finds in a game. Vidia is happy to keep spreading the rumor that she is cursed for good. Silvermist tries to show her good side and keep a stiff upper lip. This is book is a lesson of perpective. If you put your mind on the bad, then bad happens. Or if you put your mind on the good, then good happens. What happens to Silvermist and others around her doesn't matter if it is good or bad. It just the fact it could happen to anyone. I thought this story was only okay. Vidia was very annoying in this book. I know she is the mean fairy but boy can she be mean. I am not sure the character Silvermist was as detailed as other fairies have been in other books.

About the Author: Gail Herman has written many children book including some early readers. She lives in Newton, MA

Read A Thon Stats
Title of book(s) read since last update: 1
Number of books read since you started:1
Pages read since last update:117
Running total of pages read since you started:117
Amount of time spent reading since last update:1 hr
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 1 hr

If you would like to win a free copy of this book come back on Friday for Refer A Book Friday!

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