How do you choose the books you read? Do you like the cover art on a book? Do you rely on reviews? Do you let friends and/or family recommend books to you? How about books you find on other people’s blogs? Do you read the blurb/description?
I admit it I pick books by there cover. Lately I have been trying books that I may not have picked because I get them as ARC and I have to say the ones with the better cover I tend to like more. I do feel if it is a bad cover it does effect how I feel when reading it. I know it shouldn't but I don't know why it does.
I don't usually rely on reviews or blurbs because my opinion tend to be very different.
I do usually read books on recommendation of my husband and he does usually from me. Especially if it is a book we just couldn't put down.
And another question from Smiling Sally
Please point me in the right direction to get on board this receiving ARCs and reviewing on my blog.
I hope you don't mind Sally I figured I would just answer it in my blog in case others would like to know how you can get ARCs(Advanced Reader Copies) or at least how I know to get ARCs.
1st way is I get copies is from my work. I work in a bookstore and sometime publishers send copies to our store.
2nd way is go to different publishers website and see if they have a section for reviewers. I am a member of HarperCollins Firsts although I haven't received anything from them yet. The one I have received quite a bit from is Bostick Communications. I can't find the link where you can sign up or I would post. I did find while search a group on Library Thing called ARC Junkies which look pretty helpful for those of us looking for ARCs.
I'd like to jump in and add to your post about how to get A.R.C's as I do this, too -- I'm an "independent book reviewer".
I review for HarperCollins' "First Look" program (though, I use the Canadian version). ;) This is FREE.
I also belong to LibraryThing.com's "Early Reviewers" program. They have a TON of books available from multiple publishers each month, and --while you have to be a member of LibraryThing.com to take part, it's FREE, so why not?
And, as was already mentioned, check publishers' websites and look at their "contact" info. There's usually a blurb about how to go about contacting them for independent reviewing.
Lastly, I have a blurb in the sidebar of my blog that says "For Authors and Publishers: I am an independent book reviewer, and would be happy to review your book(s) for you! Contact me here"... I insert my email address there, and have gotten several offers this way, too! :)
Thank you. I am a member of Library Thing Early Reviewers as well I forgot. I knew there was something else.
Thank you. I've gone to First Look and signed up.
I've joined LibraryThing.
I sent an email to Bostick Comm.
I inserted an announcement on my blog sidebar.
Now, I'll check other publishers and watch my mail. :)
Have you heard of Lisa Roe? I blogged about her. She's a publicist and has books for review. Also you can contact publishers directly and ask them.
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