Whether you usually read off of your own book pile or from the library shelves NOW, chances are you started off with trips to the library. (There’s no way my parents could otherwise have kept up with my book habit when I was 10.) So … What is your earliest memory of a library? Who took you? Do you have you any funny/odd memories of the library?
I remember I was in early elementary school possible first grade or kindergarten. I learned to read before they taught it in school. I know I was little. I remember that I wanted so many books and the librarian told me that I could only take so many and I was sad but I didn't throw a fit or anything. I just knew I was going to read throught the books so fast. I don't remember the books I picked. I just remember spending alot of time picking the right books though.
Later on in my teens I would walk from my house to the library and sometimes spend the whole day there reading. Usually finishing a R.L. Stine or Christopher Pike book or two. Sometimes I even went for the Sweet Valley High books.
Oh, I loved those R.L. Stine and Christopher Pike YA horror/suspense novels...I'm kind of horrified by that now, but they seemed great at the time.
It sounds like you had good library experiences. I want to read horror and suspense novels but they scare me to death :>)
I cannot remember what I read; I just remember reading and reading.
yes, it was sad to have a limit on books, wasn't it? 99% of the time, there were nice understanding librarians, but once in a blue moon, there was a WITCH! who got mad at you for wanting so many OR got mad at you for wanting horse books over and over. and she'd say "it's about time you read something else".
I don't have issues....really don't. Most of my librarians were much loved!!
nice blog.
The Changling is old, very old. LOL But it was good...
Oh, R.L. Stine...that brings up great memories. What fun books!
Sweet valley high, there seemed to be millions of those in the library, my sister got them. Kids don't seem to have books like that (or Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys) any more!
Ooh, I love RL Stine's and Christopher Pike's books. They're so hard to find now! I'm wishing the publishers will reissue these books.
Love R. L. Stine. I read him in Italian too! My Nancy Drew I must admit to having to read on the sly - I was already made fun of for so many things I couldn't add reading a "girl's book" (which they really aren't) to the list.
I think it's so sad the first time you realise that contradiction: here at the library you can borrow whatever book whenever you want - but there's a limit on how many. It really crushes your excitement as a small child.
My niece is reading the RL Stines. I never did!
I enjoyed Christopher Pike books too ;0)
I learned to read before school, too. I remember the teacher would send me to the school library when the other kids were having reading lessons, because I got so restless. I loved it!
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